On April 7, an international scientific and educational book exhibition on the topic “Kitob-kamolot kaliti” (Book – the Key to Perfection) continued its work.
The event was organized to further develop the provision of information and library services to the population, popularize reading and realize the national idea of “Kitobsevar millat”.
At this event, international organizations, scientific research centers of our country, foreign and local publishers, educational institutions, and well-known writers and specialists in the printing industry participated. Within the framework of the exhibition, publishing houses and printing houses presented the best books published in recent years.
At the event, under the national slogan “Kitobsevar millat”, well-known writers and socially active bloggers held roundtable discussions, as well as prize competitions among creative young people. Certificates and souvenirs were awarded to the winners of the contests held among publishing houses and printing houses in various categories.
Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center was duly awarded by the organizers “for its contribution to the popularization of book-reading and the realization of the national idea of “Kitobsevar millat”. With this, the “Kitob-Kamolot kaliti” (Book – the Key to Perfection) international exhibition-fair of scientific, educational, and artistic books came to an end.
The organizers informed this event is traditional and will be held every year.