As previously reported, on October 15, an international scientific and practical conference on “Islam – the religion of peace and goodness” began in Tashkent. The conference, which is attended by more than 70 leaders of prestigious international organizations, religious figures, muftis and prominent scholars from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Oman, Russia, the USA, France, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, India and Pakistan, is also attended by the leadership of the Imam Bukhari International Research Center.
Director of the Center Shovosil Ziyodov, speaking at the branch of the prestigious conference “Islam in the context of globalization: moderation and tolerance,” noted that the principle of moderation of Islam plays an important role in maintaining peace and stability in society. It was noted that Islamic teachings call on people to mutual respect and tolerance, and protect the rights and freedoms of every person.
Otabek Mukhammadiev, Deputy Director of the Center, in his report at the branch “Factors of Preventing Ideological Threats in Modern Society and Practical Solutions,” noted that the main principle of Islam is peace and security, and it is important to preserve social security in a Muslim society and promote friendship and solidarity.
The speakers gave information about the activities of the Center today and emphasized the team’s achievements. The participants were acquainted with the works “Khalq Af’aal al-‘Ibaad” and “Al-Kitab Al-Zuafo Al-Saghir” which were translated into Uzbek by academic staff for the first time.
The participants of the conference recognized the great role and importance of the scientific heritage of Imam Bukhari in widely promoting the true essence and values of Islam. They emphasized that studying the works of the Sultan of Hadith scholars serves as a powerful spiritual weapon in the struggle against destructive groups attempting to achieve their nefarious goals under the guise of religion.
The conference will continue its work in the city of Khiva on October 16.