The Imam Bukhari International Scientific-Research Center, was built on the idea and initiative Sh. Mirziyoev President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, has a special positive role in the spiritual development of our country and the education of harmoniously developed generation. In the last days, the number of guests have increasing with the visit of local visitors to the Imam Bukhari International Scientific-Research Center.
The current year 2nd April Mikhail Aleksandrovich Fedotov adviser to the President of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organization for Civil Society Development and Human Rights visited to the Imam Bukhari International Scientific-Research Center, head of the National Center for Human Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan, academician Akmal Kholmatovich Saidov.
Deputy director of the Center, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Sh. Umarov and researcher at the International relations department F. Madiev well met guests.
Deputy director of the Center Sh. Umarov gave information to the researchers in the main hall of the building, on the establishment, functioning and functions of The Imam Bukhari International Scientific-Research Center.
After that, visitors were informed about works of Imam Bukhari at various times,expositions and modern media. Researchers watched with interest the rarest manuscripts and lithographs kept in the library, great muhaddith Imam Bukhari’s paintings in the test process.
Visitors have made a great impression on ancient manuscripts collection and unique books.
Guests have highly appreciated the changes in Uzbekistan’s religious and educational spheres in recent years.
The building was built on the basis of eastern and modern architectural achievements and this place was more magnificent.