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Prestigious international conference

On May 27, an international scientific conference dedicated to the study of the scientific heritage of the scholars of Movarounnahr began in Cankiri, Turkey. A delegation consisting of representatives of the state and public organizations operating in the religious sphere of our country is participating in the prestigious conference on the topic “Tradition of Hadith and Muhaddiths from Movarounnahr to Motherland” organized in cooperation with Chankiri Karatekin University and Imam Termizi International Scientific Research Center.

On the first working day of the conference, which was attended by specialists, Islamic scholars and representatives of the religious field from more than a dozen countries, Otabek Muhammadiyev, the deputy director of the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center, spoke about “Samarkand Muhaddith who grew up in the first three centuries of the Hijri and their contribution to the development of hadith science in the region” and Mehrojiddin Amonov, a researcher of the Center gave an online lecture on the topic “Analysis of Irshadnoma on the History of Sufism of the Zarafshan Valley”.

Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center
Press service

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