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Recommendations are being implemented

The employees of the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center organized a spiritual and educational event based on the idea of “Enlightenment against ignorance” at the Samarkand regional branch of the Qualification Center under the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.

At the event, which was attended by imams working in Bukhara, Navoi, Jizzakh and Samarkand regions, the head of the Central Department, Shukrullo Umarov, informed about the protection of the population, especially young people, from the influence of evils alien to our rich historical, national and religious traditions, and the fight against terrorism, religious fanaticism and missionary work.

Bayozkhan Mahmudov, a researcher of the Center, spoke about the vital importance of widely promoting the life and scientific heritage of our scholars, who took a worthy place in the Islamic world, as an example for the representatives of today’s generation, and introduced the gathered to the new literature published by the Center.

The participants of the event noted that the opinions expressed will be useful in increasing the efficiency of practical work in the field.

Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center
Press service

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