In Tashkent on February 1, a presentation of new books and works prepared for publication by the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center under the Cabinet of Ministers was organized.

The event was organized to widely promote the scientific heritage of Imam Bukhari and other scientists among our people, especially among young people, as well as to ensure that our compatriots enjoy education that strengthens material and spiritual values.

The event was attended by Jasur Najmiddinov, Executive Officer of the Department of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on religion and Interethnic Relations, Jalaliddin Hamrakulov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Muslims of Uzbekistan, Uygun Gafurov, Rector of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Firdavs Halimov, Deputy Director of the Center for Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan, representatives of partner organizations and academia. A total of 30 people took part, including representatives and researchers of the Center.

In total, during 2023 the center has prepared for publication “At-tarihi-s-saghir” by Imam Bukhari, “Shamoili Bukhari” by Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Abu Hatim Warrak Bukhari, “Ar-Ravzatul Bahiya fiima baynal ashoira Val moturidiya” by Abu Azaba, “Sunani Dorimi” by Imam Dorimi, “Kosoni aqidah” by Alauddin Kasani, Sayyid Abdulmojid Gavri’s “Encyclopedia of hadith science terms” as well as treatises “Peace in Islam“ and “The risks of excessiveness (guluw)”.

The speakers at the opening of the presentation spoke in detail about the importance of studying the heritage of Imam Bukhari and other scientists, the scientific value of the books presented, the current state of work on the study of the works of thinkers and promising tasks, as well as the reforms carried out in the religious and educational sphere of New Uzbekistan.


Secretary General of the Islamic Research Complex Al-Azhar Dr. Muhammad Nazir Ayad and Director General of the Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) Professor Mahmoud Erol Kilich sent a video greeting. He highly appreciated the presented new publications as a striking result of the activities of the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center and congratulated the Center, all partner institutions and the entire Uzbek people on this important event.
Research and translations carried out by employees help restore the legacy of our ancestors, the rich spiritual heritage that they left for our contemporaries.


In fact, the new books and works prepared for publication by the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center are an important program to glorify the original values and principles of Islam and humanitarian ideas, revealing the essence of works that have not lost their high value. These works, published in our native language, serve as the basis for a better understanding of the meaning of the scientific views of our scientists and a deeper understanding of their teachings.

Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center
Press service

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