On the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Day of Defenders of the Мotherland, the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center organized an event under the slogan “The New Army of Uzbekistan is a symbol of the country’s power, high pride and loyalty”. A spiritual and educational event was organized on the theme “Virtue”.
Students and teaching staff of the institute took part in the event, which was organized to promote the dedication, courage and heroism of the defenders of the Motherland, as well as the rich spiritual heritage left by our great ancestors, instilling pride in our Motherland and the Armed Forces.
Head of the Сеnter’s Department Sh. Umarov and Researcher A. Mamadaliyev specially recognized that today our Armed Forces have become a powerful, mobile and well-armed force capable of ensuring the security and stability of our country and the inviolability of our borders. It was also noted that the feeling of pride in our army and respect for the noble profession of the defender of the motherland is growing in the hearts of our youth.
It was also discussed that every year the activities of all military personnel and veterans serving in the ranks of our national army, serving the Motherland and people, their material and moral encouragement, social protection for their families and children, rises to a new level.
The event was followed by poems praising the Motherland and its defenders.