Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center organized a spiritual and educational event on the topic “Heritage of Imam Bukhari – against alien ideas” in “Khoja Bukhari” a secondary special Islamic educational institution under the authority of the Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan.
The staff of the Center talked with the students about all forms of extremism and terrorism, informational attacks of fanatics, social and legal consequences of falling under the influence of various alien currents, and issues of inter-ethnic harmony and religious tolerance.
The scientific staff of the center gave detailed information about the scientific research conducted at the Center, the achieved results and achievements, and published literature. With this, the propaganda mission of the scientific staff of the Center in Kashkadarya region was completed. During the week, about 1400 students were involved in events organized in 7 higher educational institutions of the region.
At all events, quizzes were held on the topics “Do you know Imam Bukhari?”, “Legacy of Ancestors – a mirror of example” and “10 great ancestors who made a great contribution to the development of world civilization”.
The winners were awarded with literature published by the Center.