On the initiative of the Imam Bukhari International Scientific-Research Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, OIC Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRСIСA) and the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan will hold the International Forum ”Central Asia – Center for Islamic Art“ on November 1-3, 2022 in Samarkand within the framework of the ”International Ziyarah Tourism Week“.
The Forum will be organized by the co-partnership of the following institutions: Center of Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan; World Society for Preservation, Study and Popularization of Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan; International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan; Muslim Board of Uzbekistan; Craftsmen’s Association and Samarkand Regional Administration.
The purpose of the International Forum is to exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices on improving the system of preservation and research of ancient written sources related to the history and culture of Islam, the results of modern scientific research on the restoration and study of book making, bookbinding and the art of calligraphy. In this regard, the Forum will host events in the following 3 areas:
The festival includes the following fields of Islamic applied arts:
- The Art of Calligraphy
- Miniature
- The Art of Pottery (Majolica)
- The Art of Ceramics
- The Art of Epigraphy
- The Art of Marbling (Abru)
- Samarkand Paper
- Engraving
- Wood Carving
The festival will see the attendance of calligraphers, miniature artists, potters, painters, paper developers, crafts masters, students of higher education and secondary special Islamic schools, doctoral students, prominent Islamic scholars, religious figures, and the media from various regions of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the city of Tashkent.
- The exhibition will feature ancient copies of the Holy Quran stored in the funds of Uzbekistan, experts in the field will comment on these ancient copies.
- The winning plates of the IRCICA Calligraphy Competitions will be showcased and the projects on ”Katta Langar Qur’an: Yesterday and Today“ will be presented.
- A master class on calligraphy and roundtable discussion on Islamic arts will be delivered by Turkish calligraphers.
The conference will be held in two sections:
1st Section: Exchange of experience in improving the system of preservation and research of ancient written sources
2nd Section: Conservation and restoration of rare manuscript sources, registry, and digitization
The international conference brings together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of preservation, conservation and restoration of manuscripts and will be attended by the representatives of local and leading international organizations and scientific institutions, universities, as well as field experts. The conference will see reports on conservation and restoration, storage, creation of registries, digitization of ancient written sources, as well as manuscripts writing, bookbinding and calligraphy.
Time limit for each presentation is 15 minutes.
Papers are accepted in Uzbek, Turkish, Arabic, English and Russian until November 1, 2022.
Please note that, full-texts sent to the conference are planned to be published in book of proceedings.
- The text is 6-8 pages, typed on a computer (Times New Roman, 14 font, 1.5 spacing, all margins 2 cm);
- The title is in bold, automatically placed in the middle of the line at the beginning of the page and written in two languages (the language of the article and English), in the next lines the text is on the right:
the author’s last name, first name and patronymic, the next line contains the academic degree, academic title, and the next line contains the place of work and position. If there are more than one author, information about subsequent authors is given in the next row, just like information about the first author.
- After the information about the author(s), the abstract (150 words) is given in English.
- For reference system please refer to the manual in the following link: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html
- Articles are accepted electronically at center@bukhari.uz.